Bringing local churches together in San Andres, Guatemala!

Bringing local churches together in San Andres, Guatemala!

Hi, I’m Adrea…in the jungle!

I’ve been a missionary in Guatemala since 2002 and had the privilege of serving with a ministry at a school in the jungle. Now my family and I are following our calling together to help build up local churches in San Andrés, Guatemala! Keep reading to learn more about how you can be a part!

Here’s why we’re doing what we’re doing…

In the town we live in, in the Peten jungle of northern Guatemala, most pastors have to balance their church responsibilities with other work to support their families. On top of that – most have never had access to seminary, any formal training, and most have little money for theological tools and resources.

We feel strongly that God has given us the vision to:

  • Encourage, support, and love them by hosting monthly gatherings.

  • Build a library where church leaders can learn from the best commentaries, training materials, and theological resources.

  • Build unity in the local churches in San Andres so we can all be stronger together!

Here’s how
you can help!

  • Designs to Encourage shop gives us income so we can focus on ministry.
    Shop Gifts

  • Your donations make a HUGE difference and go towards providing meals for pastors and their families at the pastoral care monthly gatherings, buying books for the library and helping to build up the meeting space.

    Cash App

  • We know life gets busy and there are needs everywhere! I like the quote, "I'm too busy NOT to pray!" We appreciate your prayers for the pastors and the work God is doing in this community by bringing HIS churches together in unity. Please let us know how we can be praying with you as well.

    Email Me!

Whether you shop at the Etsy shop or give toward our monthly pastoral care lunches and Christian Library project, your support makes a huge difference in our community and helps encourage and equip local pastors. We can’t thank you enough for partnering with us!

Purchases from our Etsy store help us focus on serving as missionaries in Guatemala.

We love doing custom orders, so please let us know if you are interested and we will be happy to design something unique for you!